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Food Grade Gases

Food grade gases are defined as gases used as a processing aid and/or an additive in order to ensure that standards are complied with

Wij leveren voedselveilig kooldioxide (CO2), stikstof (N2) en zuurstof (O2) alsmede andere (vloeibare) gassen die zijn toegelaten voor voedingsmiddelen. De gassen worden voorgemengd geleverd of individueel in hogedrukcilinders of als vloeistoffen in geïsoleerde tanks, waarna ze kunnen worden gemengd bij de verpakkingsmachine. Stikstof en zuurstof worden gewonnen uit gewone lucht. Kooldioxide wordt gewonnen uit natuurlijke bronnen of komt vrij als nevenproduct van gistingsprocessen (wijn-, bierproductie), bij de productie van ammoniak of stoomreforming / vergassing en waterstofproductie (Gasification and Hydrogen Production, SGHP). Het kan soms efficiënter en praktischer zijn om on-site stikstof te produceren met gebruikmaking van pressure swing adsorptie (PSA) of een membraaninstallatie.

In accordance with food safety regulations

Our food-grade gases conform with food safety regulations (Regulation (EU) No 231/2012) within EU countries and the FDA guidelines in the U.S.

The main gases used in Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) applications are carbon dioxide, nitrogen and oxygen. These gases are used either alone or in combination. The gas properties and the interaction of gases with the food ingredients, e.g. solubility in the foodstuff, should be taken into account when choosing the gas or gas composition.

Liquid gases for the food industry<

The most important liquid gases for production processes in the food industry are:

  • Liquid nitrogen
  • Liquid carbon dioxide
  • Liquid oxygen

All these liquid gases are secured by an HACCP control system.

Cylinder gases for the food industry

For smaller quantities of gas, gases in cylinders are often used in the food industry. Within the cylinder gases for the food industry Linde Gas Benelux distinguishes between premixed gas mixtures and single gases. Incidentally, we have a specific (and in the Netherlands unique) cylinder park equipped specifically This is an important advantage with regard to food safety.

Premixed gases:
  • 70% N2/30% CO2 Foodmix
  • 70% O2/30% CO2 Foodmix
  • 50% CO2/50% N2 Foodmix
Single gases:
  • Carbon dioxide Foodgrade
  • Nitrogen Foodgrade
  • Oxygen Foodgrade

Our pre-mixed (Foodmix) and single (Foodgrade) cylinder gases are produced, stored, distributed and delivered according to an HACCP control system. To prevent the risk of contamination by gases, all food gas cylinders are fitted with residual pressure valves with anti-return protection. Traceability is achieved by means of batch coding. The food safety of these products is thus guaranteed.